Molson Brewery site allows plenty of development opportunities

The incredulity that greeted last week’s announcement that residential-build-focused Concord paid over three times the assessed value for the protected industrially-zoned Molson Brewery site at the southeast end of the Burrard Bridge needs a bit of circumspection. You don’t get to be one of BC’s largest new home developers by making cavalier and reckless business moves, so at the request of Vancouver Green councillor Adriane Carr, I looked a little deeper.

Conservation, Wildlife, and Animal Welfare

As Greens, how we treat our planet and its inhabitants reflect our fundamental values. As a Green MLA, I will fight to push those values into provincial decisions and lend my voice to those who have none. An Endangered Species Act for B.C.Currently, our conservation efforts here in B.C. are woefully inadequate, and reflect a last-century mindset …

I promise big change in the Vancouver-Mount Pleasant by-election

On Tuesday (February 2), voters in Vancouver-Mount Pleasant will head to the polls and mandate a big change for our riding.

The big change coming to Vancouver-Mount Pleasant isn’t just the replacing of Jenny Kwan’s 20-year career as MLA since she stepped aside six months ago.

The big change will be electing me as Vancouver’s first Green MLA, and sending a strong signal that East Van is ready to do things differently.

There are other changes coming like the removal of the viaducts, the relocation of St. Paul’s Hospital, Broadway Subway, eastern expansion of downtown Vancouver, vanishing Chinatown, or even the ever-increasing property values that threaten to displace many long-time residents.

Broadway Subway and Public Transit

development has come at the expense of housing affordability and led to extreme property speculation, even in advance of actual city re-zonings. It is critical that the Broadway Subway development is not a trigger for massive displacement, and that transit-oriented development is concurrent with senior government investments in publicly owned housing stock.