The story about the massive development corporation including 20 affordable artist live work studios in its Concord Gardens project sounds great –but on a closer critical review, it is quite literally the least they can do.
Mayor a day late and a dollar short on issue of pre-sales
Summer 2017, and the mayor is only now hearing concerns about overseas pre-sales & insider trading of #VanRE condos?
We (Vancouver Greens) called out this issue in 2014, the BC Greens called for taxing pre-sales in the BC Election earlier this year, VanRE pundits have been flagging this issue for YEARS..
How and for who does the city define public benefits?
A massive development rezoning, estimated worth over a billion dollars in market value. The luxury tower project being proposed by a well-connected and influential developer will reportedly deliver close to $90 million in public benefits spread out over several years.
Thoughts on VAHA’s new micro-suite development
Thoughts on new micro-suite development on 100 block West Pender by Vancouver’s Affordable Housing Agency.
The conditions of this rezoning are consistent with how Vision Vancouver redefined “social housing” in their 2014 DTES Plan. For this proposed social housing project, only 30 of the 90 micro-suites will rent for under $1000/mo.
By-election to fill council seat vacated by Geoff Meggs could leave lasting mark on Vancouver politics
Could Green party activist Pete Fry be Vancouver’s next city councillor?
Normally, municipal by-elections for council seats are not a big deal, especially when one party will retain power regardless of the outcome.
But the resignation of Vision Vancouver councillor Geoff Meggs creates some intriguing possibilities.