Over six months later, negligent developers still screwing over local neighbours.

Word that the developers of the Brixton Flats project in Chinatown are refusing to fairly compensate residents of the half dozen homes they destroyed back in in April, when a wind storm collapsed a brick retaining wall they had been constructing (ironically covering over the very mural they have featured in their promo for the new development).

I know at least one of the tenants is getting some pro-bono legal support. Not sure if Lee Benevolent Association are also getting stiffed by the Vancouver-Victoria Development Corporation GMC Projects. Apparently GMC have taken the slippery route and have lawyered up to avoid paying out.

GMC should not receive occupancy permits for their new development until fair compensation and damages have been paid to the displaced neighbours — this situation is entirely unacceptable.

Link to original story from April 8:

Link to developers:


Follow-up #1 on local residents still displaced by a “luxury flats” development, when a wall collapsed and rendered the two neighbouring properties uninhabitable. The city has since followed up, but no word on how they will force these developers to take accountability or prevent this sort of thing from happening in the future.

Thanks to the Sun’s Dan Fumano for digging in and daylighting this!

Follow-up #2 Happy follow up to share!
Lesley – displaced by neighbouring construction negligence has housing secured in new Community Land Trust Housing. It’s a small victory in the battle for local housing and there’s still follow up work to do and ensure the city holds the negligent builders accountable before issuing an occupancy permit. But today, YAY!
